Friday, July 20, 2012

Running to the Center of the Universe


For some of us tomorrow is the official starting day of training for Tulsa’s Route 66 marathon!  We will be registering before too long, but before we do we have to be prepared to answer yes or no to the question, “Will you be taking the Detour to the Center of the Universe?” Say Whaaa??  According to the marathon web-site, “The Center of the Universe Detour offers runners a unique opportunity to run an extra 0.3 miles to visit Tulsa’s historic Center of the Universe. The distinctive quality of the landmark is an eerie echo that is heard by someone standing in the center of the circle. Participants who stand at the center of the brick circle and talk will hear themselves echo, but others outside the circle can hear no such echo”.

I can’t say that I find it tempting to take a detour off a marathon course in order to hear my own voice echo while I stand in a circle and talk to myself… so I am pretty sure I will answer “no” to this question.  The marathon web-site says you can make the decision during the race. The detour is on the 17th mile. If you take the detour you are handed a medallion (great, something to carry for another 9 miles).  Still, it is only .3 miles extra. Only! Think about that .3 miles extra when you see the finish line in the distance.  What to do, what to do. Like I need another medallion…hmmm…I like medallions…Ok, I changed my mind. I will answer “yes”, to make sure they order enough medallions and call it on race day. I am pretty sure my decision will be based primarily on peer pressure, but then again mile 17 is a tricky mile. Sometimes I am holding it together, and other times I am in a very ugly place. I think this is true for most of us.  It will be funny when we all reunite at the finish line and empty our pockets!

Here it is: The Center of the Universe!

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