Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Running Across the USA

Ok I admit it. I am weird, especially when it comes to running.  I look at maps and think about where I’d like to run. I do it a lot. Last week I was gazing at a map of Canada, imagining what route I would take if I was to run across Canada. Yes, that is flat out weird.  But then again, Terry Fox not only imagined it, but attempted it, with one leg, while fighting cancer!  Then I started thinking about what route I would take if I was to run across the United States, you know, hypothetically speaking, because that would be INSANE.  And yet…I found this web-site:  It turns out it is quite a popular idea, in fact, bordering on “mainstream”. Ok, maybe not…but wow, this web-site is a real eye-opener to the growing popularity of transcontinental runs.  The site shows links for 13 people who are either currently crossing, or have completed crossing this year.  There’s a guy named Seth Wolpin, who started on the beach at Seaside Oregon in April, solo, with all his gear in what looks like a baby jogger, and is about to complete his journey this month! I have been reading his blog. He has encountered just about every type of weather you can think of, as he traveled from Oregon into Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, all of the other “I” states, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and soon, Massachusetts. In fact, his last tweet, yesterday, says he hopes to finish his journey by Saturday! This guy has averaged 30-40 miles a day.  Even so, he is not quite as impressive as Bjorn Suneson, who ran 33 miles a day for 98 consecutive days as he traversed the United States at the age of 64! And this was his third crossing! The blogs of their journeys are nothing less than fascinating, however, there is one aspect that would not appeal to me at all, even if I could run that mileage, and that is that their routes forced them to run on a lot of freeway access roads, as there were no alternative roads or trails in several sections along the way, which lead me to the “Run Across America on Trail” web-site.  Currently 4 guys are 50 days into their journey, with the goal to traverse the United States utilizing as much rail, canal, bridle, bike, single track, double track, equestrian, national, ATV, ski, and jeep trails as they can. I am totally sucked into reading their blog! I am just on their first week and haven’t caught up with them present day, yet . They are in the mid-west right now dealing with the oppressive heat wave.  I will come back with more updates as I read along and catch up over the next few days.

There are teams who run across the United States as well, which initially I thought, “Hey maybe…”, until I did the math.  3000+ miles is pretty dang far, even divided by a team of runners.  Or at least runners that run approximately my pace, give or take a minute or three per mile.  Even if I did manage to get together a team of twelve or so friends, given our past history of relay races and living together in a van I imagine we’d kill each other before we even came close to smelling the breezes off the Atlantic.  I have visions of anarchy and mutiny in some corn field in Iowa…

In conclusion, I really enjoy reading these blogs, because they remind me that, a: people are out there that are WAY crazier than I am, and b: they’re living out their visions or dreams, as crazy as they seem! Cool stuff, check it out.

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