Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Walk

Flagpole Hill

On Easter Sunday I decided to go for a walk! Everyone knows I typically hate walking, but my legs were still sore from the "too long" run the day prior, the gym was closed, it was too cold and windy for a bike ride (by my standards), and I wasn't in the mood to get on the elliptical at home. I decided to walk to Flagpole Hill and back, a route that partially included my solo "hood" run that I do about once a week and also some of the Tuesday Hill Run course.  It turned out to be quite an interesting walk! It's amazing what you notice when you walk instead of are some highlights.

Rocco's Tree

I can't even count how many times we've ran past this tree, planted at the base of Flagpole Hill. I remember noticing that it was planted a few years ago in memory of someone, but until now never took the time to find out who. His name was Rocco, who apparently loved motorcycles, was a cool dude, and greatly loved.

My buddy

During the hill run we hear the peacocks squawk in the darkness as we head into the neighborhood. On some of my morning  runs I pass them as they walk about on Eagle road. There are probably about 15 or so, but one white peacock in particular is almost always out, as he was on this day. He always reminds me of my Aunt Mary, who loved peacocks, especially white ones.

I heard some rustling in the bushes, which is common to hear while running, but this time I was able to investigate the noise. To my surprise it was this big guy. I heard they're blind. Once he stuck his nose in the air and sniffed me out he ran off. No comment!

I think I'll get out for some more walks in the future to see what else I come across...

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